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Degree Map

Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

BS in Forensic Science — Chemistry Concentration (2024 - 2025)

1st year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
ENGL 101 College English I 1 0103 ENGL 102 College English II 1 0103
MATH 111 College Algebra 1 0303 COMM 111 Public Speaking 1 0203
Gen Ed First Year Seminar 0703 BIOL 210 General Biology I 0404
FS 298 Introduction to Forensic Science3 CHEM 211 General Chemistry I5
CJ 191 Introduction to Criminal Justice 0503
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 1st year: 30

2nd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Science Course 0503 Gen Ed Arts and Humanities 0603
BIOL 211 General Biology II4 Gen Ed Diversity Course 0703
CHEM 212 General Chemistry II5 BIOL 223 Human Anatomy and Physiology5
CJ 420 Criminal Evidence3 CHEM 531 Organic Chemistry I5
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 16

Total hours for 2nd year: 31

3rd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
ANTH 101/106 Biological Anthropology/Lab4 ANTH 557 Human Osteology3
CHEM 532 Organic Chemistry II5 CHEM 524 Intrumental Meth Chem Anal4
LAS Textual Analysis Competency Course 23 Gen Ed Arts and Humanities 0603
LAS Oral Communication Competency Course 23 LAS Civic Responsibility Competency 23
FS 450 Forensic Ident of Marijuana1
FS 452 Forensic Toxicology of Alcohol1
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 3rd year: 30

4th year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
ANTH 600 Forensic Anthropology3 STAT 370 Elementary Statistics 23
CHEM 523 Analytical Chemistry4 FS 499 Seminar in FS Techniques3
CHEM 661 Introduction to Biochemistry3 BIOL 330 General Microbiology5
CJ 315 Criminal Law3 LAS Cultural Literacy Competency Course 23
FS 451 Forensic Ident of Narcotics1
FS 455 Forensic Arson Analysis1
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 14

Total hours for 4th year: 29

Hours needed to complete the degree: 120

  1. Requires a C- or higher
  2. LAS Competency requirements may be met with approved elective, general education or major courses. Please consult your LAS advisor.

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key

  • 010 English
  • 020 Communications
  • 030 Math/Statistics
  • 040 Natural and Physical Science
  • 050 Social and Behavioral Science
  • 060 Arts and Humanities
  • 070 Institutionally Designated/Diversity