Not sure where to start in achieving your career goals? Check out these next steps to get started on your career journey!
Connect your personality traits and strengths to possible academic majors or career paths, talk through your interests and goals and get a realistic perspective and next steps with an SCA Career Coach. This appointment is ideal for students looking to connect their interests and skills with a major or career path or students in a career shift or transition. Please visit , create an account, and complete the 4 career assessments prior to your appointment.
This appointment is for a student who needs help starting their resume or cover letter, creating bullet points to highlight their skills and experiences or wants to customize their resume or cover letter for a specific job.
This appointment is for a student who has a resume or cover letter created and is ready to start applying for internships or jobs. A Career Coach or Peer Advisor will review your resume or cover letter and provide feedback. **Must already have a resume created to schedule this appointment**
This appointment is for a student who wants to improve their LinkedIn Profile. We will help you craft your profile to match your job search efforts, develop your personal branding, and showcase your experiences. **Must already have a LinkedIn Profile & Resume created to schedule this appointment**
Landing a job takes a thoughtful job search, tailored application materials and the right attitude. In this appointment, you will learn how to organize, prepare materials, set a timeline, research companies and search for jobs. *It is recommended that you've already had a resume review before scheduling this appointment."
Career Events
Get career ready by attending our events, such as career fairs, workshops, professional networking, lunch-and-learns, and more! Check it out today!
All of our resources, handouts, and tools in one convenient location.